Woman, 26 years old



Looking for a man or woman


Dating Serious

Size & Weight

140 cm 40 kg

My interests


I am pretty popular

Zodiac sign


Last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represent the renewal but as the last in the loop it is as a sign of immortality, regeneration and spiritual reincarnation. The Pisces is becoming, altruistic and selfless. He is a delicate person, which expresses tolerance. Attentive to others he can even forget himself for others. Indulgent, his profile let him help others. He feels the need to comfort and often wants to save all the people He hates conflict. The Pisces can adapt himself to all situations and to everybody. He is pleasant and delicate. He often does not express his feelings. He is anxious and sometimes even arrogant. He is also defeatist and offen feel melancholic. He likes to monopolize the conversation. Pisce weak point : he is not self-confident. This sign is also led by intuition and dreams.


Albert Einstein, Ophélie Winter, Isabelle Huppert, Victor Hugo, Alain Prost, Juliette Binoche, etc.

Chinese Zodiac


The Tiger has a fascinating temperament and great elegance. Nice, passionate, he enjoys being the center of concerns and rarely goes unnoticed.


The natives of Tiger are particularly altruistic. They are powerful, brave and show sentimental and spiritual uprightness. They put up with their families, they have natural abilities to command but wish to be loved and idolized.


Tiger likes to lead and refuses to be commanded. Almost like leos they always want to be brilliant even if this is putting them in a difficult situation. The tiger is also easely angry.

My lucky numbers are

4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45, 54,