Man, 41 years old
Bénin (WLG)


Plaisantin s'abstenir,j'aime l'honnêteté et la respect de soi-même


Looking for a man or woman


Dating Serious

Size & Weight

174 cm 85 kg

My interests


I am pretty popular


Zodiac sign


The Virgo, sign of logic and caution. Virgo are brilliant individuals, and sagacious observers. They have an absolute rationality. One born under this sign is someone logic. He wants life to be well sequenced and execrates unpredictable and unexpected situations. But he is also someone smart and reasonable. He is able to invest his heart and his soul for others. In his desire to help others, he sometimes gets crushed. Virgo is someone who moves a lot because he wants to be active permanently. His strenghts : simplicity and straightforwardness.


Cameron Diaz, Claudia Schiffer, Stephen King, Mickael Jackson, Hugh Grant, Sean Connery, Agatha-christie, Serena Williams, etc.

Chinese Zodiac


The Pig is particularly fulfilled and if we go further in the relationship, we discover someone fantastic. In a very good physical shape, sharp, he knows how to satisfy the small pleasures of his existence. Connoisseur of the good things in life, ha cannot say no. He is skillful for manual tasks and he is also very subtle and often good fortunate.


The native of the Pig is accommodating, kind and selfless. They are also very tender and voluptuous lovers.


People born under the sign of the Pig are sometimes excessive in carelessness, credulous, stubborn and childish.

My lucky numbers are

1, 3, 5, 12, 15, 33, 35, 51, 53,