Man, 33 years old
Maroc (TNG)



Looking for a woman


Friendship - Dating Serious / Fun

Size & Weight

140 cm 40 kg

My interests


I am pretty popular


Zodiac sign


Taurus are born during spring, when nature blooms and seems serene. Taurus are calm and feel zen. Relying on their senses, gently but firmly, Taurus zap all that separates them from reality. Abstract fears have no power over them and they do not care about changing their lives. Taurus is the surest sign of the zodiac. Taurus are close to the world, tasting things in life with an ability to control their environment. Under the effect of the earth that controls this sign, Taurus are good for gardening tasks. In constant search for pleasure, the universe is his main concern.


Al Pacino, George Clooney, Laetitia Casta, Mireille d'Arc, Penélope Cruz, Michelle Pfeiffer, Orson Welles, Jack Nicholson, etc.

Chinese Zodiac


The Goat is tortured, hesitant and suspicious needing to be accompanied and support. The Goat is a feminine sign. She excels at finding strong compromises. She loves adventure showing a total resoluteness. So she lives perpetually under pressure. Tender, thoughtful, helpful and generous, she pities herself as soon as things do not suit her anymore in order to draw attention.


The natives of the Goat are soft and placid. They are graceful and creative people, dexterous by nature. Naturally gifted in the arts, many natives of the Goat are creators.


People born under the sign of the Goat can be whimsical, curious, superfluous and anxious.

My lucky numbers are

3, 4, 5, 12, 34, 45, 54,